Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Senin, 13 Agustus 2012


Hey. I had a disease. A strange illness. The disease could come at any time they want. There is no cure to fix me. Only be felt with great pain that pierced to the soul. The disease is inside, in the minds, hearts, and in the soul.

It is a feeling of illness where a person feels so useless and can be thought that they wanted to go away. This disease is an inner torment.

Whether you never feel alone and completely useless? And feel rejected by everything? Like life only you in there, the only drugs can be silent till that feeling is completely gone from mind.

Yes maybe I'm weird. No one will ever understand. But this is a disease that interferes with my life.

But in solitude, sometimes I realize that I had people who loved me and I will continue to love they till the end and hope that they will always be on my side. Forever.

Love me, Tesya

Senin, 06 Agustus 2012

Story Behind Us *Salaxis*

There is a little story behind the students of salaxis96. These are listed in the yearbook generation 2011/2012  227 Junior High School. So, let's enjoy read this story!

“katanya kelas unggulan, kok begini sih?” mungkin kalimat itu udah ga asing lagi di telinga anak anak 96. In this limited-page, the makers will tell y’all about class 96 dari asal usul sampe apa-aja-yang-udah-dilakukan di 96. So, we hope you're not getting bored from reading this and enjoy! ;)

Berawal dari sebuah kertas pembagian kelas yang berisi nama nama, maka berkumpulah anak orang yang membentuk sebuah kelas, 9-6. Setelah beberapa hari sekelas, munculah berbagai macam pemberontakan dan aksi demonstrasi dari anak-anak (ya nggak lah-_-). Di 96 terdampar berbagai macam tipe dan versi orang, tapi kita tetep Bhinneka Tunggal Ika brlooh. Just like the others, 96 juga punya nickname “Salaxis” karena ada sebuah perkumpulan para cowo (nb: bukan boyband dan bukan pula gay) yang bernama “bejaters”, terdiri dari Ary, Nabiel, Tegar, Yesaya, Naufal, dan Sulthon.

Selain itu juga ada Bayu, Damar, Shiva, dan Yoga yang ketawanya gabisa berhenti gatau kenapa. Aji yang takut sama semi-laki laki atau nama ilmiahnya banci. Ezzan - Novian “dikong” yang suka ngambil alat tulis anak-anak. Uci - Inda yang paling berisik atau “Toa” dan Iffat yang hampir ga pernah ngeluarin suara di kelas. Vebri yang selalu ceria riang gembira setiap hari dan suka bikin ulah sama temen-temennya. Ary, adeknya Sule yang centil. Sulthon “jambul 9cm” yang gayanya bijaksana dan punya bahasa superduperwoper baku di kelas. Alyaa yang selalu berimajinasi sama Dini, Liza, dan Kenia. Fatrin - Nia, 2 bocah kurang bahagia yang ga pernah lepas. Tesya - Candra “couple bendahara” yang selalu mintain duit ke  anak-anak setiap hari (tenang aja mereka bukan “couple Gayus”). Yolanda yang kalem nan anggun. Sayed yang selalu menebarkan senyum lebar like :D karena dia pake behel (iya, gue tau kok ini ga nyambung). Yaser “Youtube celebrity wanna be” karena berhasil me-lipsync lagu Baby nya JBieber, like yaa “. Aldi “bhonce” yang ngomongnya asal ceplos. Ica yang tersering dicari setiap harinya. Nining yang biasa dipanggil “Umi” dengan pasangannya “Abi” Nabiel. Putri - Muthia yang diem diem menghanyutkan. Nadya “chibi” yang cerewet. Yesaya yang selalu nge-galau di balkon depan 96 pas istirahat. Umam yang selalu manggil orang “mbreew” dan kalo baca, alisnya naik (peace maam._.v). 2 biji kawan Nabiel “kibo” dan Tegar “kiting” yang gokil, ada aja ide gokilnya buat bikin mainan gokil di 96 sampe gokilnya ga ketulunganDaan at least, Naufal sang ketua kelas maharaja penguasa kelas pemimpin anak anak ekstra polos dan gila yang datang dari tong sampah tetangga” yang baik hati, labil, dan rajin bolos PM.

Di 96 banyak kejadian unforgottable (asik). Dari saat Rizal nembak Yolanda, simbiosis mutualisme antara Dinar-Damar buat bales pantun, surprise manis Alyaa buat Sulthon waktu ultah, dan berakhir dengan perang kue. Saat anak cowo ganti baju di kelas dan tiba-tiba Bu Evi lewat. Dan ‘something’ antara Sulthon-Alyaa dan Tesya-Candra waktu di depan kelas, it (re: something) happened because of bejaters HA HA . Juga saat pelajaran IPS, anak anak nyanyi lagu wajib ga berhenti-berhenti meskipun udah distop sama Bu Parminah (lo tau kenapa? Karena kita sangat ngantuk brlooh).

Dan yang ga akan lupa saat Falah ngepantun dengan ciri khas “masak aer …” sama Nabiel, Ari, Damar, Tesya, Tegar, dan Dinar yang meragain pantunnya pake ekspresi hilarious terutama saat kata-kata “pocong dugem”. Vebri yang selalu dapet pantun php dari Ezzan yang menyakitkan. Btw anyway busway subway huawei, masih inget “bumbu rendang” dari Tesya? Wakakak  

Meskipun ada pro-kontra selama di 96, semuanya tetep solid,kompak,dan sayang sama yang bikin cerita ini :$ dan ngejadiin itu sebuah pelajaran dan kenangan yang berarti. Dan yang terakhir, jangan lupain gue yaa mwaah :*


Our Memories:

Love, Tesya

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Own The Night -Lady Antebellum♥

Lady Antebellum's third album, Own The Night
is scheduled for release Sept. 13. The upcoming 12-cut set features the band's fastest rising single to date, "Just a Kiss" plus 11 additional tracks. Charles, Hillary and Dave wrote or co-wrote 10 of the songs, including "We Owned The Night."
"'We Owned The Night' opens the album, "says Dave excitedly, "and I really love this song. We reworked the title slightly to make it present tense for the album title–Own The Night. When people come out to our live show it's a call to action. Be confident, live in the moment and enjoy the experiences you're going through—own them. That's the premise of what we wanted to say."
Own The Night 2011 Tour
Part of the challenge of a new album is translating it into a live show. "When we were tracking 'We Owned The Night' in the studio," says Hillary, "I was in the control room with Paul (Charles sings lead on it). Listening to the track inspired me to visualize our live show. I grabbed a legal pad and began drawing out the stage. That was the first sign to me that the song would be a cornerstone of this third album."
"Many of our songs have an interplay between Charles and Hillary and we feel strongly about creating that emotion live," adds Dave. "And being on tour with artists like Kenny Chesney and Keith Urban has also given us a lot of ideas. So yeah, we're excited to get a chance to jump up into arenas and give that a shot."
"People want you to entertain them," says Charles. "The fans feed off your energy. They see it on your face. So we've learned to let ourselves go on stage. With three people the strongest moments are when we are close and tight together. But it's a giant stage to fill up."
Being themselves has worked for this group. As Hillary recalls, "I'll never forget when we were on our first radio tour and a programmer said, 'I don't think two lead singers, a girl and a guy are going to work.'
"Especially with the name too," remembers Dave. "Programmers weren't sure if people could identify with two singers. It was a risk at the time. But for us it was just like, well that's who we are. How can we not do that?"
Xxo, Tesya

New Something That I Used To Know

New day, new school, new class, new story, new friends, new teachers, new environment. And all of that's I must believe the truth.

Pasti ada bedanya antara SMP sama SMA. Dari mosnya aja udah beda. Ya emang faktanya mos di SMA itu beda banget sama di SMP, dari disuruh bawa macem-macem makanan dari segi nama yang aneh-aneh dan ada sedikit 'ignorance' :|

Dapet sekolah itu butuh perjuangan sana sini supaya dapet yang terbaik. Sebelumnya sih udah dapet penglihatan dapet SMA apa. Ya penglihatannya itu dateng sebelum nem kelulusan keluar. Semalem sebelum hari kelulusan itu nyokap gue mimpi kalau gue dapet nem 49,00 Yakali yakan SMP ada nem segitu, mata pelajaran aja cuma ada 3-___-

And then... Yep! Saat gelombang 2 gue udah nyerah mau dapet SMA yang gue mau, karena nem disana udah lebih jauh dari nem yang gue punya. Alhasil ya itu. Gue dapet SMA sesuai sama mimpi nyokap gue.

Hari pertama mosnya itu bener-bener awkward banget. Gak punya temen dan masih belom pas sama lingkungan baru. Mau kenalan tapi nyali gak cukup. Ya beginilah nasib seorang pemalu 'sangat'.

Setelah beberapa hari sekolah disana ya mulai harus bisa nyeimbangin suasana. Ya yang jelas belom ada yang bener-bener pas sama diri gue disana. The old friends will not be forgotten

Yeayea I just need some times to suitability with the new school and new friends!

Enjoy. I can face the truth... huuuuh

Xxo, Tesya
Rock On