Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Kamis, 28 Maret 2013

When I Was Your Man

Same bed, but it feels just a little bit bigger now
Our song on the radio, but it don't sound the same
When our friends talk about you all that it does is just tear me down
Cause my heart breaks a little when I hear your name
And it all just sound like uh, uh, uh

Hmmm too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave you all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby is dancing, but she's dancing with another man.

My pride, my ego, my needs and my selfish ways
Caused a good strong woman like you to walk out my life
Now I never, never get to clean up the mess I made
And it haunts me every time I close my eyes
It all just sounds like uh, uh, uh, uh

Too young, too dumb to realize
That I should have bought you flowers and held your hand
Should have gave all my hours when I had the chance
Take you to every party cause all you wanted to do was dance
Now my baby is dancing, but she's dancing with another man.

Although it hurts I'll be the first to say that I was wrong
Oh, I know I'm probably much too late
To try and apologize for my mistakes
But I just want you to know
I hope he buys you flowers, I hope he holds your hand
Give you all his hours when he has the chance
Take you to every party cause I remember how much you loved to dance
Do all the things I should have done when I was your man!
Do all the things I should have done when I was your man!

*NB: Never waste a girl who's still yours, because you'll regret now, tomorrow, or someday.

Xxo, Tesya

Jumat, 15 Maret 2013

Sound Of Heart

Hear It!

Kamu tau gak, rasanya jadi aku gimana?
Kamu tau gak, perasaan aku waktu kamu bilang itu?
Apa kamu sadar sama semua kata-kata kamu?
Semua itu masih aku inget sampai detik ini..

Apa kamu tau kesalahan kamu dimana?
Ya, kesalahan kamu saat kamu gak ngasih kabar beberapa hari ke aku
Itu ngebuat aku jadi lemah, lebih lemah dari apa yang kamu pikir

Tapi dibalik itu, kamu buat aku jadi lebih kuat
Kamu buat aku sadar kalau kamu udah gak mau pertahanin ini semua
Dan kamu buat aku siap kehilangan kamu untuk yang kedua kali

Mungkin saat itu aku emang bener-bener ngerasain sakit, gak sama seperti yang kamu rasain
Cuma karna alasan yang kata orang “klise” kita selesain semua ini

Tapi aku gak nyesel, gak akan pernah
Aku gak pernah nyesel ketemu sama kamu
Balik sama kamu untuk yang kedua kali
Dan kehilangan kamu untuk yang kedua kalinya

Karna aku tau, cuma kamu yang bisa buat aku sekuat ini
Karna kamu aku jadi perempuan yang bisa dibilang “sangat sabar”
Dan karna kamu juga, aku jadi perempuan yang beda dari yang lain

Apa masih ada pertemuan ketiga, dan perpisahan ketiga suatu saat nanti?

Mm, Apa kamu sadar gimana sabarnya aku ngadepin kamu waktu itu?
Saat aku nunggu kabar kamu, nunggu kamu pulang les, nunggu kamu selesain semua aktifitas kamu tanpa pernah aku besar-besarin untuk mulai pertengkaran?

Aku selalu diem saat kamu ngediemin aku didepan teman-teman kamu
Karna aku sadar, dan aku tau gimana kamu
Aku tau kamu, aku tahu semua apa yang kamu rasain dan apa yang kamu mau
Dan inget, aku tahu kamu sangat dalam

Aku selalu akan ngalah sama kamu
Kamu tau kenapa? Karna aku sayang sama kamu..

Hmm, yaya…
Semua udah berubah sekarang
Bisa dibilang kamupun juga udah berubah
Tapi it’s okay lah aku coba untuk terima semuanya dengan ikhlas

Awalnya aku sedih untuk ngerelain semua ini
Ya wajar ya perempuan, di satu malam nangis Cuma karna seorang cowo
Tapi itu yang disebut cinta………….

Dan esok harinya aku terbiasa tanpa kamu..
Gak ada beban, gak ada pikiran, enjoy dengan hidup aku tanpa kamu

Tapi saat mimpi itu datang…
Semua berubah
Aku jadi selalu khawatir sama keadaan kamu
Sampe-sampe bangun dari mimpi itu aku langsung bbm kamu cuma untuk nanya keadaan kamu gimana

Kamu  pasti tau kan mimpi itu…
Mimpi dimana aku kehilangan kamu untuk selamanya

Dimimpi aja aku udah nyesek dan nangis
Apalagi kalau sampai kenyataan?
tapi, engga engga
Aku engga akan ngelanjutin kata-kata itu lagi
Karna aku gak akan siap dan gak akan pernah siap
Aku masih bersyukur, kamu masih ada, walaupun jauh disana tanpa aku bisa liat dan bukan milik aku lagi

Aku gak ngerti
Aku bingung maksud dari semua itu apa
Mungkin itu jawaban dari tuhan atas semua doadoa aku
Dan kamu harus tau, setiap aku berdoa, aku berdoa untuk kamu

Meskipun sekarang kamu udah gak peduli , udah gak sayang, dan mungkin udah ngelupain aku
Tapi ya ini aku, yang selalu inget sama kamu setiap saat

Kalau suatu hari kamu dapet seseorang yang bisa gantiin aku
Dia yang lebih baik, lebih cantik, dan lebih segalanya…
 Tapi kamu harus inget satu hal…
Dia gak akan bisa seperti aku..
Yang bisa nerima kamu apa adanya,
gak pernah ngeluh sama apa yang kamu lakuin,
terus sabar dan bertahan untuk kamu
selalu ngasih support untuk segala hal yang kamu lakuin
dan yang pasti dia gak akan pernah bisa mencintai kamu sama seperti yang aku lakuin

Dan ini mungkin yang terakhir aku buat untuk kamu..
Makasih buat semuanya yang udah kamu lakuin selama 1 tahun 3 bulan ini,
Aku gak akan pernah lupa sama semua kenangan yang udah kita lewatin..
Dan perpisahan ini, bukan bener-bener perpisahan, karna aku yakin kita akan selalu inget satu sama lain sampai kapanpun

Berawal dari tanggal 1 dan berakhir di tanggal 10 

I love you so much can…

 Love, Tesya

Minggu, 10 Maret 2013

All We'd Ever Need

Open This Link For Music:
Click For Hear!

Boy it's been all this time
And I can't get you off my mind
And nobody knows it but me

I stare at your photograph
Still sleep in the shirt you left
And nobody knows it but me

Everyday I wipe my tears away
So many nights I've prayed for you to say

I should've been chasing you
I should've been trying to prove
That you were all that mattered to me

I should've said all the things
That I kept inside of me
And maybe I could've made you believe
That what we had was all we'd ever need

My friends think I'm moving on
But the truth is I'm not that strong
And nobody knows it but me

And I've kept all the words you said
In a box underneath my bed
And nobody knows it but me

But if you're happy I'll get through somehow
But the truth is that I've been screaming out

I should've been chasing you
I should've been trying to prove
That you were all that mattered to me

I should've said all the things
That I kept inside of me
And maybe I could've made you believe
That what we had was all we'd ever need
It was all we'd ever need
Oh, I thought it was all we'd ever need

I should've been chasing you
You should've been trying to prove
That you were all that mattered to me

Oh, you should've said all the things
That I kept inside of me
And maybe you could've made me believe
That what we had, girl
Oh, that what we had, what we had, it was all we'd ever need
It was all we'd ever need


Xxo, Tesya

Selasa, 05 Maret 2013

Heart Pressure

I knew you didn’t love me, because I loved you. And for us both to be in love would be too good to be true.

And you’re saying soon we’ll be together again, because time flies. But all I can see right now is you waving goodbye.

You don’t know what you put me through. But it’s all okay, I’ve forgotten about you. And in some way, I hope it fucks with you. To know I’m okay and I made it through.

And sometimes I feel things that aren’t really there, like a whisper hello, or your hand in my hair.

Honestly I’m done with it, I’m done with you, you wanna be with me, awesome, but I’m not going to take chances, I’m going to need more than a “I want you back”. You obviously don’t know how much you hurt me, not that its really your fault , but I know you don’t know what I found out about you, if you know how I felt , so broken , you wouldn’t be able to look me in the eyes ever again.

How come its possible for me to love you and impossible for you too feel the same?

Apologizes don’t fix broken hearts.

Sometimes it’s easier to pretend you don’t care than to admit it’s killing you.

You can’t lose what you never had, you can’t keep what’s not yours & you can’t hold on to something that doesn’t want to stay.

Maybe if you stopped complaining for a second, you’d realize that some people have it so much worse than you do.
You give me the kind of hope they all talk about. The kind of feeling people sing about.
Don’t spend your life chasing people who don’t appreciate you.

Looking at that one amazing couple, and asking yourself why that can’t happen to you.

Am I really that easy to let go of?

Let your past make you better, not bitter.

It’s not the goodbye that hurts; it’s knowing I’ll never get another hello.

Why you? Why did you come into my life? Why are you the one my heart is aching for? I could’ve ached for another guy, a guy that would actually care, and maybe feel the same, but no I got you a guy that doesn’t give 2fucks where I am or what I’m doing.

If you don’t fight for what you want, then don’t cry for what you lost.

Don’t cry over the past, cry to get over the past. Don’t smile to hide the pain, smile to heal the pain.

The thing about a girl with a broken heart is that she’ll hand out all the pieces to anyone who comes around.

We were watching the time tear away what little we had left of what we used to be. And there was nothing we could be.

It’s a good thing tears never show in the pouring rain, as if a good thing ever could make up for all the pain. You know those days where you feel ugly and worthless? I feel like that everyday.

God has a plan for you, and you can’t keep thinking that maybe if you clean up your act he’ll reward you with the perfect boy. Live your life. Live it the way God wants you to live it, and respect nothing in return.

I’m isolated from the world and it’s because of you. When I was in your arms and my lips would touch yours I was in the world I could feel it . But until that comes back , I’m isolated, completely isolated from the world.

Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together… and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched him. It was like coming home… only to no home I’d ever known.

I want you to look back and miss me. And, one day, you will.

Xxo, Tesya

Just Sharing!

Yeah ini postingan tentang hati, tapi bukan berarti pengalaman ya.~~~

Disaat lo dapet seseorang yang bisa dibilang "cuek", untuk bisa terus sama orang kaya gitu gak gampang. Apalagi orang yang gak tahan untuk dicuekin, kecuali emang lo mau orang yang kaya gitu, tapi ya mana ada juga sih ya orang yang mau dicuekin? Perlu tenaga dan kesabaran yang extra ngadepinnya bro. Gak percaya? Cobain aja..

Orang yang begitu biasanya kurang peka sama apa yang udah kita kodein ke dia. Mau sampe galau tujuh hari tujuh malem juga gak akan nyadar.. Tapi orang kaya gitu bisa dirubah meskipun gak total, yaa seengganya it's betterlah yaa..

Jangan salah, punya hubungan sama orang cuek itu bawa keuntungan tersendiri haha yaa contohnya kita jadi bisa lebih sabar "banget" meskipun diawal pasti dapet tekanan batin ngerasainnya.. Tapi kalau orang strong mah... ya...

Kalau udah terlanjur sayang mau diapain yakaaaaan?
Jadi jangan pernah nyerah sampe lo dapet hasil dari apa yang udah lo lakuin.

Every person has the characteristic of each. Expect you ;)

Xxo, Tesya

Did you know? It's not the Goodbye that hurts

Berawal dari tanggal itu ya... 14.
Everyone thought it was a special date on 14 February, precisely Valentine's Day.
But, how about me?
Ya gue udah ada yang mau dikasih sih, cuma gaktau mau ngasih siapa karna dari jauh-jauh hari emang udah disiapin...
Dan akhirnya kepikiran buat ngasih seseorang. Agak dibocorin aja kali ya, orangnya juga udah ga peduli.
Tadinya mau ngasih itu pas dia kerumah, ya mungkin untuk hari spesial terakhir ketemu bener-bener yang berdua.

*block the text below* 

“Did you know,dude? I want to hug you for the last time and give you something although it was not worth anymore for you, but it is sincere.”

Tapi emang lo ga bisa nyediain waktu dan emang gak mau ketemu kali ya. Well, I just keep it to myself. Gak mau yang terlalu maksa atau apa ya, karna gue sadar diri..

Karna gue rasa udah terlalu lama nyimpen barang itu, jadi ya gue titip ketemen untuk nyampein ke dia. Tapi ya hasilnya sama aja. Dan yang bikin nyesek sih waktu lo selalu nunda-nunda ketemu temen gue itu karna lo tau dia mau ngasih titipan gue ke lo. Gue tau semua. Hargain orang dikit bisa kali ya?

Apa susahnya sih ketemu dan nerima, lagi pula gue juga gak ada ditempat kan? Seengganya lo terima itu barang, terus lo buang atau perlu dibakar sekalian :-) ikhlas kooooook.

Sakit hati sih yaa kalau digituin, cuma mau berbuat baik tapi gak dihargain. Agak sedih sih yaaa~~

Satu hal terakhir yang mau gue tanya, gue pernah punya salah apa sampe lo segininya? :-)
All have been gone, I hate this feeling. Congratulation for live your life without me again. I really don't want to deal with the problems like this. I'll not disturb you. 
Thanks for ignore me. :]

Xxo, Tesya

It’s not a “goodbye”, but a “see you later”

I was looking through a magazine and I saw my horoscope.. I don’t believe in horoscopes but this one made me think a lot.. A couple people have been telling me to just forget about him…

So maybe it is time I let go and move on.. At least for now. Even though I really wanna talk to you and get things straight, I think I’ll just let it go and forget about it for a while and wait for the right time for us to talk.
I don’t know why you’ve been ignoring me.. Maybe it’s cause it’s easier for you to move on if you dont talk to me.. I don’t know but it hurts like crazy when I don’t know the real reason why you’ve been ignoring me. Im not expecting for us to talk anytime soon…

But for some reason I really wanna tell you that you were the first guy I had legit feelings for. No matter how hard I try to completely get over you, I will still have feelings for you. I know I told you a couple times that whatever happens I’ll be waiting for you, and imma keep my word. But for right now, imma let go and move on.. But you know.. You will always be in my heart and I’ll always care about you.

I know we’re gonna go our separate ways, so I just wanna let you know that I’m here for you whenever you need me. I know it’s gonna be hard seeing you everyday at school and stuff, but I know I’ll get through this. I guess I’ll see you later…

Love, Tesya
Rock On